Friday, January 04, 2008

Iowa The Day After - Democrats

Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy! Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!

When I published my last minute predictions yesterday I wasn't confident at all. I thought the top three were all going to be bunched up together. Clinton had established, practiced, sure to go caucus goers. Edwards had all but lived in Iowa for the past 4 years. Obama had excitement on his side but was relying on first time caucus goers and young voters. Howard Dean did the same in 2004 and fared quite poorly.

Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy! Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!

When I got to the Iowa Caucus party last night (yes, I'm that much of a political geek), with 2% reporting, it was Clinton, Edwards, Obama. There was maybe a 3% or 4% difference in their vote totals. At about 15% reporting it was the same but I started to feel better. In every state, small rural precincts always report early. They just have fewer votes to report. But Obama was still close! I knew the bigger, more urban precincts where Obama would be strong would not be reporting yet. That included Des Moines, with a larger black population, and the college towns.

Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy! Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!

Ultimately, 239,000 people attended Democratic caucuses. Almost double the 124,000 total from 2004. In the end those 239,000 delivered the outcome I was hoping for but just couldn't bring myself to predict. Not only did Obama get a decisive win - 8 points - but Clinton fell to third!

Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy! Joy!

I don't think you're happy enough! That's right! I'll teach you to be happy! I'll teach your grandmother to suck eggs! Now, boys and girls, let's try it again!

Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy
Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy
Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy
Happy Happy Joy Joy Joy!

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Blogger Gilman Chatsworth said...

Why the hate for Hillary?

3:27 PM  
Blogger LP Cards Fan said...

Gilman, it is not so much hate of Hillary although I'm not a huge fan. If she ultimately ends up being the nominee I will vote for her and I believe she will do a competent - even good - job as pres. But whether she wants to be or not she will be divisive. Four or eight more years of the bikering we've had for the last 16. More importantly, I am a huge fan of Obama and think he is the best candidate in either field. Her third place finish in IA is strategically good for his candidacy.

10:02 AM  

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