Friday, January 05, 2007

Pondering III

An NPR show today discussed questions around the business of assiting couples to get pregnant today. They put me on to this story.

There are many beneficial uses of the technology that assist women to get pregnant when there are legitimate medical problems. But in my mind, age is not a legitimate medical problem!!!

The old woman's twins will be lucky to have their mother present at their high school graduation (avg. life span in Spain is 83 for women). There is a strong likelihood that these kids will go threw some of the toughest parts of their life (puberty, first relationships, first jobs, college, etc) without a parent to fall back on.

At 67 the woman is probably retired or soon will be. Does she have enough money saved to raise these children or will she need government assistance?

I don't know what kind of physical condition the mother is in but a person in their late 60s and early 70s will be physcially challeneged to keep up with children of this age. What's going to happen to this woman's back the first time her 40 pound child jumps up and grabs her for a hug?

I'm not ready to say that "science has advanced beyond human biology" but in this case, science has done something that is wrong. It is wrong (unethical) because of the strong possiblity that the results of the procedure, the twins, will suffer because of it.

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