Friday, December 07, 2007

Grow A Pair. Please!

Senate Democrats -- you know, the majority party -- lost two battles to the minority goppers today.

First, they passed a one year freeze on the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) that will reduce the amount of revenue next year without increasing revenue from another source or by reducing expenditures. They created a ($50,000,000,000) hole in the budget. This "compromise" was reached because Senate goppers issued a "filibuster threat" to every bill that attempted to pay for the AMT correction.

Second, they failed to "end debate" on an energy bill that would require utilities to generate 15% of their electricity using renewable resources by 2020. The energy bill also would have raised CAFE standards for the first time in over 3 decades. 53 out of 100 possible Senators voted in FAVOR of the bill. But because of a "filibuster threat" there were not 60 votes to call the bill to an actual vote.

Notice I say "filibuster threat." This because no filibuster has actually taken place. In recent years the threat of a filibuster is all it has taken to stop the Senate dead in its tracks. A threat and it's time to move on to the next thing. And the goppers have threatened on almost every single piece of legislation this year.

Fucking hell! The goppers didn't have 60 votes when they were in charge but they still passed shit (and I mean SHIT) because the Democrats compromised. The goppers are not returning the love and have stopped everything.

I've been slow to jump on the Democrats are weak band wagon but I'm done with that. Grow a fucking pair of balls, Harry! They want to filibuster, fucking well let them. Tell them to get up on the Senate floor and start talking. Let the goppers tell us why we shouldn't have better fuel economy. Let them tell us why burning coal and air pollution are better than clean air and less asthma and blue skies. Let them tell us why it's better to create 50 fucking billion dollar hole in the budget than it is to pay for middle class tax cuts.

There hasn't been a real filibuster in the Senate for a long, long time. Open the doors and invite in the media. I'm sure the networks, CNN, and all the other outlets would love to put the goppers explanations on the nightly news.


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