Monday, May 11, 2009

Not Your Conversation

This is mostly rhetorical but why do people have to butt into conversations when they're just there to make conflict?

One guy that sits down the cube aisle from me is a huge sports fan. A fan of really all sports. He knows that I'm a big baseball guy so every other day or so we'll talk for a couple of minutes about the game. Every time, the guy that sits across from me has to get involved and tell us how "wimpy," "pathetic, "terrible," "boring," "not a real sport" baseball is.

He's a hockey and soccer fan. He doesn't like the game. Fine. I don't criticize. I don't particularly like hockey but I indulge him a little when he brings it up. What's the point of having to butt in and disrupt our conversation about baseball.

Plus, it is becoming clearer and clearer he doesn't even understand some basics of the game. Not just nuances but basics. Today we were talking about my softball league (12", which is really just a bit hard ball) and how my teammate got hurt. A bad hop caught him in the lip. And later, when he was on 2nd base and I was batting, he just barely ducked before the ball I hit smacked him in the head. The guy across from me wouldn't even entertain the idea that the ball could move too fast to avoid. Softball bats, when hit well, can produce speeds well in excess of 90mph
Additionally, the field study showed that the maximum batted-ball speed performance point (formerly labeled COP) actually varied from bat model to bat model and bat maker to bat maker. This required that the bat being certified initially undergo testing to determine the maximum performance location first and then the pitched ball is to be targeted at that location. Based on these updated assumptions, the ASA determine that for a bat to be certified the maximum batted-ball speed should be 98 mph or less.

I won't claim that I'm hitting a ball at 98mph but I am using a new, high performance bat and I have been playing a long time and know how to hit a ball. So let's say I make 80mph. Home plate is roughly 85 feet from 2nd base (60' bases * 2^(1/2)). 80 mph is equal to 117.3 feet per second (80mph * 5280 ft/mi * 1/3600 hours/second). 80 feet / 117.3 feet per second = 0.68 seconds. That's not much time.

Let's say I'm way over estimating my strength and it's 60mph off my bat. 80 feet / (60mph * 5280 / 3600) = 0.91 seconds.


"Heads up!"

The ball's already there.




Blogger Miss Healthypants said...

That guy would TOTALLY piss me off! I'm feeling your pain over here... :)

8:09 PM  

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