Monday, January 11, 2010

Million Dollar European Cars

Of Bugattis

A few months ago a Texas man ran his Bugatti into a tidal pool. He claimed to have been distracted by a pelican. Seeing as how the rear spoiler is raised - something that happens automatically at 150mph - I'm going to exonerate the pelican.

However, it seems that the Texas man was following precedent! Some 70 years ago a very rare Bugatti Type 22 was pushed into an Italian lake when the owner did not pay his taxes on the car. The car has been pulled from the lake and is being sold at auction. Some are expecting it to fetch 80,000 pounds. If ever evidence was needed of trouble in the collector car market this could be Exhibit A. Water is the death of cars! This one is said to be 20% intact. There would be nothing remotely "Bugatti" about it if restored. The body, the frame, the engine have all wasted away in the water for 70 years. Yet it may sell for half the going price for an intact version.

Of Mercedes
It appears that someone has found a MB 540K in Russia. The 540K is one of the most expensive collector cars in the world. On top of that this one has history as it appears to have been owned by Herman Goering, Hitler's 2nd.



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