Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Gun Safety

Some simple rules to observe while conducting a gun safety class.

1. Don't use a loaded gun in the class room. ::OOPS!::
2. Don't shoot yourself in the foot. ::OOPS!::

I'd be getting the hell out of Dodge, too, when he pulls out the assault rifle.

Some additional thoughts as this has percolated in my mind. Who the hell ever qualified this oaf to give gun safety classes?

When I first learned to shoot (.357 revolver) it was beaten into my head that you never, ever put your trigger finger inside the trigger guard until you are ready to fire.

Why? So you don't accidently discharge the gun (into your foot).

Hell, when we loaded the thing we only put five bullets in the cylinder. The empty chamber is the one that ends up at the hammer.

Why? So you don't accidently discharge the gun (into your foot).

When I learned to fire a semiautomatic it was beaten into my head that you never, ever put your trigger finger inside the trigger guard. See above. It was also drilled into me that when you are handed a semiautomatic that you check the chamber. You do so by aiming the gun at the ground and gently pulling back the slide and visually inspecting the chamber.

Why? So you don't accidently discharge the gun (into your foot).


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