Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Unintended Consequences

Scientists in the U.S. and Isreal are working on ways that can weaken and redirect hurricanes. Of course, this being the U.S., people are worried about billion dollar law suits resulting from any successful effort made. I'm just a computer guy, not a climatologist or anything, but I can think of two possible unintended consequences not discussed in the article.

Let's say a big hurricane forms in the Atlantic and one of these techniques is successful at keeping it out to sea. Hurricanes bring mass amounts of rain (fresh water) to land. The immediate floodingg can be devastaing but they also replenish ground water supplies that provide drinking water and irrigate crops. Currently, the SE U.S. is experiencing severe droughts and I can't tell you how many years I've been hearing about the falling water tables in Florida.

A second possible consequence that isn't mentioned, hurricanes pull heat out of the oceans. They are huge, violent, acts of nature balancing itself. Again, if we get good enough at this to redirect hurricanes it might lead to warmer oceans. Warmer water takes up more volumne and could lead to costal flooding. Additionally, the warmer oceans will change the environment. Some sea life may die off or move to other parts of the ocean. It coudl affect our food supply.



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