Monday, November 19, 2007

Low Expectations

I watched Fred Thompson's recorded interview on "This Week" yesterday. For the most part there was nothing memorable other than he seemingly had no idea what to say in response to any question. At times he seemed to contradict himself multiple times in the same sentence but since he was saying so little its hard to say. The last question, though, was telling. Stephanopolous asked him what he would want his biggest accomplishment to be after 8 years of a Fred Thompson administration. Big Fred hawed for a moment before responding that after 8 years he would like to say that the U.S. had not been attacked and that we were not at war.

Think about that for a moment.

This was the proverbial, "Why are you running?" question and Fred's best answer is "I want to keep the U.S. from being attacked." This is the absolute lowest bar of achievement one could set. He has no other goals? Here's a couple of ideas for you Fred:
  • Economic growth.
  • Increased home ownership.
  • Lower taxes.
  • Higher taxes.
  • Winning the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • Increasing/decreasing our military strength.
  • Alieviating poverty.
  • Reducing carbon emmissions.
  • Saving social security
  • Expanding medical insurance
  • Solving illegal immigration issues

Pick any three. Oh hell, Fred, don't hurt yourself. Choose one! I don't even expect specifics. Just have a vague goal to do something about something.

So why is it you're running? That's right. You don't have a reason. You were just courted by some people that didn't like the 2008 crop of goppers and they thought NYC District Attorney Arthur Branch would make a good president.

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