Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas At The New Condo

My roommate, Joe, and I decided we were going to cook Christmas dinner at the condo. We did a little bit of planning. I considered a couple different options but Joe got a $15 off coupon for a turkey from his job so we decided to do the standard turkey dinner. Over the 10 days before Christmas the guest list went from Joe, his GF, me, Mom, brother and sister-in-law to also include Kincades Sean and The Lawyer.

Dinner was planned for 5PM and we got the bird ready about 11AM. We made a marinade of butter, garlic, pepper and oregano. Doused the bird, put in the pot and into the oven. Now it was time to sit and wait.

As the time neared and everyone had arrive I made some beef fillet and cheese springrolls from Omaha Steaks. Yum! Those were served as we were baking the sweet potatoes, boiling the red potatoes for mashed and prepping the other stuff. I served some seared green beans and crescent rolls and cranberries rounded out the meal.

Timing was everything. We nailed it!

Everything was ready at about the same time. The rolls were the only things running behind and those were ready before everyone had served up their first plate. Everyone enjoyed the meal. Sean later commented that he didn't think we could pull off that big a meal for that many people in my kitchen. I have to say I was a little impressed with us myself.

Joe took and mom took some pictures. If they ever get those uploaded I may put them up. I was busy cooking and the nerves of Mom meeting the girl so I only got one picture. It was of the ninth guest.
Tired Santa Puppy



Blogger Miss Healthypants said...

Aww, what a cute picture! *smiles* Glad you had such a successful Christmas dinner! :)

12:47 PM  
Blogger LP Cards Fan said...

My "niece." She was worn out after two straight days of dinner parties.

10:27 AM  
Blogger Miss Healthypants said...

Heh heh heh! :)

10:30 PM  

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